Marco V Cigars Co. is dedicated to empowering the B&M cigar shops around the country. This is the foundation of the cigar industry and where cigars should be purchased. Marco V Cigars Co. strategy over the next 3 years will be to find 100 B&M retailers around the country that we support and in return support us... We will cap it at 100 stores to focus on customer service, quality, and listening to what the customer wants. In the next couple months we will be rolling out new products and also developing a 60 gauge cigar accessory line that includes: unique cutters, lighters, holders, and ashtrays that are catered toward our fat cigars.
Marco V Cigars Co. future looks bright and is pleased to provide the cigar smoker a quality large gauge cigar.
Marco V, president Marco V Cigars.
Marco V Cigars Co. future looks bright and is pleased to provide the cigar smoker a quality large gauge cigar.
Marco V, president Marco V Cigars.