It's hard to believe May is already here. Golf courses have opened and people are itiching to get out and enjoy the weather. Because of this we have established mulitple types of places where you can find Marco V's in addition to your local Tobacconist.
This month we are excited to fully launch our Privato collection online. The highest quality Marco V tobacco is classified as Privato. These limited cigars come from our factory in Jalapa, Nicaragua which is home to the best tobacco in the world and has soil almost identical to Cuba. Check out our collection here: Marco V Privato Collection
With 2020 in the rear view mirror, 2021 has gotten off to a great start. More and more of you are finding value in our products and more humidors around the country are finding space on their shelves for Marco Vs.
We have built our business to weather unique years like 2020 by building inventory of our base tobaccos, optimizing our aging process, and simplifying our supply chain.
The highest quality Marco V tobacco is classified as Privato. These limited cigars come from Jalapa, Nicaragua, which is home to the best tobacco in the world and has soil almost identical to Cuba. Privato cigars have to be transported via a four hour horseback journey since the farm is only accessible via a narrow dirt road.
The Marco V Pri...